Track EDI

After you submit the initial request to enable the account(s) for EDI to your Account Team, you will be notified of the status of your request by email. After you have started the implementation process in eBill, you can track the progress of the implementation online.

 During the implementation process, if the status is “AT&T IT Attempt to Contact Customer’s IT failed,” contact your company’s IT representative for an update.

After the implementation is complete, you can track the monthly file delivery status.


Track EDI

  1. On the EDI Profile page, click Status Indicator Tracking Log.

  2. Review the details of each status indicated.


Status Indicator Matrix


EDI Status



Implementation Started

EDI has been enabled by the Account Team, and your request to implement EDI was successfully submitted through eBill. The system has sent notification to AT&T IT to contact your designated IT company representative to begin the implementation process.


AT&T IT Attempt to Contact Customer’s IT Failed

AT&T IT was unable to contact the designated company IT representative. Additional attempts will be made for up to 10 business days from the Implementation Started date.


Implementation Cancelled Due to Lack of Response by Customer’s IT

Repeated attempts by AT&T IT to the designated company IT representative failed within the given time. The request for EDI was canceled by AT&T IT. After the appropriate IT representative for your company is designated, you will need to restart the implementation process.


Implementation Cancelled by the Customer

You have opted to stop the implementation process. You can restart the implementation process when applicable.


AT&T IT Successful Contact, Implementation in Progress

AT&T IT has contacted the designated company IT representative, the TPI document was received, and the implementation is in progress.


Implementation Ready for Test

Connectivity has been established, and the process is ready for an initial EDI source file to be created from within eBill.


Implementation Go Live Complete

Implementation is complete. The process will be automated on a monthly recurring basis.

Note: This status triggers a CPNI notification.


Change to Existing Connectivity Requested by Customer

You or your IT representative needs to request a change to the connectivity between AT&T and your company. You have submitted the change by eBill and processing by AT&T IT is pending.


Change to Connectivity Completed

The EDI profile’s connectivity options were successfully changed.

Note: This status triggers a CPNI notification.


Data Source File Created for Transmission

The data file has been created for EDI mapping.

Note: This status appears each month.


EDI Transmission to Customer Successful

The EDI transmission to your server was successfully completed. This will occur each month following successful transmission


Data Source File Failed, IT Notified

An unknown error has occurred in the monthly automation. AT&T IT has been alerted to research and resolve the issue.


EDI Transmission Cancelled for Future Bill Cycles by Customer

You have canceled EDI transmission for all future bill cycles. If EDI is needed again, start a new implementation. Note: Any bill cycles that pass without EDI may not be available after a new implementation process is completed. Do not cancel EDI unless you're certain those cycles can be missed.


Related Topics

Eligibility Requirements

Set Up EDI

Change EDI

Cancel EDI